IC 348和巴纳德3
(原标题: IC 348 and Barnard 3)
浏览次数: 17
明亮的英仙座八微米星附近一个巨大的星云区域提供了这个宇宙对比的研究。在望远镜的框架中捕捉到的是一个彩色的尘埃、气体和恒星的复合体,沿着英仙座分子云的边缘,在天空中大约3度,距离大约1000光年。英仙座八微米星被尘埃反射的星光所包围,它本身就在中间偏左。它的正下方是迷人的年轻星团IC 348,最近被詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜用红外波长探测到了。在氢气漫射的红色辉光映衬下,巴纳德3号星际尘埃云位于右上方。当然,宇宙尘埃也倾向于隐藏新形成的恒星和年轻的恒星物体或原恒星,而不被窥探的光学望远镜发现。以英仙座分子云的估计距离计算,这一视野的跨度约为50光年。
A great nebulous region near bright star omicron Persei offers this study in cosmic contrasts. Captured in the telescopic frame is a colorful complex of dust, gas, and stars spanning about 3 degrees on the sky along the edge of the Perseus molecular cloud, some 1000 light-years away. Surrounded by a bluish halo of dust-reflected starlight, omicron Persei itself is just left of center. Immediately below it lies the intriguing young star cluster IC 348 recently explored at infrared wavelengths by the James Webb Space Telescope. In silhouette against the diffuse reddish glow of hydrogen gas, dark and obscuring interstellar dust cloud Barnard 3 is at upper right. Of course, the cosmic dust also tends to hide newly formed stars and young stellar objects or protostars from prying optical telescopes. At the Perseus molecular cloud's estimated distance, this field of view would span about 50 light-years.
© Ashraf Abu Sara