(原标题: Stars and Dust in the Pacman Nebula)
浏览次数: 17
恒星可以从它们诞生的稠密而黑暗的分子云中创造出巨大而复杂的尘埃雕塑。恒星用来雕刻精细作品的工具是高能光和快速的恒星风。它们产生的热量蒸发了黑暗的分子尘埃,并使周围的氢气分散并发光。在这张图片中,一个新的疏散星团被命名为IC 1590,它围绕着发射星云NGC 281中复杂的星际尘埃结构接近完成,因为它的整体形状被称为吃豆人星云。中心上方的尘埃云被归类为博克球状体,因为它可能在引力作用下坍缩并形成一颗或多颗恒星。吃豆星云位于仙后座方向约一万光年远的地方。
Stars can create huge and intricate dust sculptures from the dense and dark molecular clouds from which they are born. The tools the stars use to carve their detailed works are high energy light and fast stellar winds. The heat they generate evaporates the dark molecular dust as well as causing ambient hydrogen gas to disperse and glow. Pictured here, a new open cluster of stars designated IC 1590 is nearing completion around the intricate interstellar dust structures in the emission nebula NGC 281, dubbed the Pac-man Nebula because of its overall shape. The dust cloud just above center is classified as a Bok Globule as it may gravitationally collapse and form a star -- or stars. The Pacman Nebula lies about 10,000 light years away toward the constellation of Cassiopeia.
© Malcolm Loro