NGC 6888:新月星云
(原标题: NGC 6888: The Crescent Nebula)
浏览次数: 19
新月星云是如何形成的?新月星云看起来像一个正在形成的太空茧,在特色图像的中心可见,它是由其中心最亮的恒星形成的。一个主要的起源假说是新月星云在大约25万年前开始形成。当时,这颗巨大的中央恒星已经演变成沃尔夫-拉叶星(WR 136),在强烈的恒星风中剥离其外层,每10000年喷出相当于太阳质量的物质。这种风影响了前一阶段遗留下来的周围气体,将其压缩成一系列复杂的壳,并照亮了它。新月星云,也被称为NGC 6888,位于天鹅座约4700光年远的地方。恒星WR 136可能会在未来一百万年的某个时候经历一次超新星爆炸。拼图挑战:当天的天文学难题
How was the Crescent Nebula created? Looking like an emerging space cocoon, the Crescent Nebula, visible in the center of the featured image, was created by the brightest star in its center. A leading progenitor hypothesis has the Crescent Nebula beginning to form about 250,000 years ago. At that time, the massive central star had evolved to become a Wolf-Rayet star (WR 136), shedding its outer envelope in a strong stellar wind, ejecting the equivalent of our Sun's mass every 10,000 years. This wind impacted surrounding gas left over from a previous phase, compacting it into a series of complex shells, and lighting it up. The Crescent Nebula, also known as NGC 6888, lies about 4,700 light-years away in the constellation of Cygnus. Star WR 136 will probably undergo a supernova explosion sometime in the next million years. Jigsaw Challenge: Astronomy Puzzle of the Day
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