(原标题: Helping Hand in Cassiopeia)
浏览次数: 19
漂浮在我们银河系平面附近的这些尘埃分子云似乎在宇宙尺度上伸出了援助之手。它们是形成恒星的星际云的局部复复体的一部分,包括美国天文学家贝弗利·林兹1962年的暗星云目录中的LDN 1358、1357和1355。对于天文成像仪来说,这是一个具有挑战性的目标,这些模糊的暗星云距离我们近3000光年,朝向仙后座北部丰富的星场。在这个距离上,这个深的望远镜视野将跨越大约80光年。
Drifting near the plane of our Milky Way galaxy these dusty molecular clouds seem to extend a helping hand on a cosmic scale. Part of a local complex of star-forming interstellar clouds they include LDN 1358, 1357, and 1355 from American astronomer Beverly Lynds' 1962 Catalog of Dark Nebulae. Presenting a challenging target for astro-imagers, the obscuring dark nebulae are nearly 3,000 light-years away, toward rich starfields in the northern constellation Cassiopeia. At that distance, this deep, telescopic field of view would span about 80 light-years.
© Francesco Radici