(原标题: Athena to the Moon)
浏览次数: 14
这张太空时代的自拍照以地球为背景。这张照片是由IM-2 Nova-C着陆器雅典娜号拍摄的,在2月26日发射到月球后,刚刚进行了一级分离。一个高大的机器人着陆器“雅典娜”(Athena)计划于3月6日星期四在月球南极附近的高原蒙斯穆顿(Mons Mouton)着陆。预定的着陆点位于阿尔忒弥斯3号潜在着陆区之一的中心部分。作为美国宇航局商业月球有效载荷服务计划的一部分,雅典娜号携带着漫游车和实验,包括一个旨在探索月球表面下寻找冰冻水证据的演习。它还携带了一架被称为微型新星Hopper的推进无人机。在被释放到月球表面后,这架自主无人机打算跳入附近的一个陨石坑,并将科学数据传回着陆器。
Planet Earth hangs in the background of this space age selfie. The snapshot was captured by the IM-2 Nova-C lander Athena, just after stage separation following its February 26 launch to the Moon. A tall robotic lander, Athena is scheduled to touch down on Thursday, March 6, in Mons Mouton, a plateau near the Moon’s South Pole. The intended landing site is in the central portion of one of the Artemis 3 potential landing regions. Athena carries rovers and experiments as part of NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services program, including a drill intended to explore beneath the lunar surface in a search for evidence of frozen water. It also carries a propulsive drone dubbed the Micro Nova Hopper. After release to the lunar surface, the autonomous drone is intended to hop into a nearby crater and send science data back to the lander.