NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: Open Star Clusters M35 and NGC 2158)


浏览次数: 31

在这张布满星星的望远镜视野中,有两个疏散星团M35和NGC 2158。它们位于双子座的边界内,看起来确实是肩并肩的。它的恒星集中在右上方,但M35相对较近。M35(也被编目为NGC 2168)距离我们只有2800光年远,大约有400颗恒星分布在大约30光年宽的体积上。明亮的蓝色恒星经常区分年轻的疏散星团,比如M35,它的年龄估计为1.5亿年。在左下角,NGC 2158距离M35的距离大约是M35的四倍,而且更加紧凑,发出比M35老10倍以上的恒星群更黄的光。一般来说,疏散星团是沿着我们银河系的平面发现的。在松散的引力约束下,它们的成员恒星往往会在数十亿年的时间里随着疏散星团围绕银河系中心旋转而分散。


Framed in this single, starry, telescopic field of view are two open star clusters, M35 and NGC 2158. Located within the boundaries of the constellation Gemini, they do appear to be side by side. Its stars concentrated toward the upper right, M35 is relatively nearby, though. M35 (also cataloged as NGC 2168) is a mere 2800 light-years distant, with 400 or so stars spread out over a volume about 30 light-years across. Bright blue stars frequently distinguish younger open clusters like M35, whose age is estimated at 150 million years. At lower left, NGC 2158 is about four times more distant than M35 and much more compact, shining with the more yellowish light of a population of stars over 10 times older. In general, open star clusters are found along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy. Loosely gravitationally bound, their member stars tend to be dispersed over billions of years as the open star clusters orbit the galactic center.
