(原标题: Einstein Ring Surrounds Nearby Galaxy Center)
浏览次数: 21
你看到戒指了吗?如果你仔细观察NGC 6505星系的中心,就会发现一个环。这是NGC 6505的重力,附近(z = 0.042)的椭圆星系,你可以很容易地看到,这是放大和扭曲的图像,一个遥远的星系变成一个完整的圆。要形成一个完整的爱因斯坦环,附近星系的中心和背景星系的一部分必须完美对齐。对这个环和背景星系的多幅图像的分析有助于确定NGC 6505中心暗物质的质量和比例,以及揭示扭曲星系中以前看不见的细节。这张特色图像是由欧洲航天局的地球轨道欧几里得望远镜于2023年拍摄的,并于本月早些时候发布。
Do you see the ring? If you look very closely at the center of the featured galaxy NGC 6505, a ring becomes evident. It is the gravity of NGC 6505, the nearby (z = 0.042) elliptical galaxy that you can easily see, that is magnifying and distorting the image of a distant galaxy into a complete circle. To create a complete Einstein ring there must be perfect alignment of the nearby galaxy's center and part of the background galaxy. Analysis of this ring and the multiple images of the background galaxy help to determine the mass and fraction of dark matter in NGC 6505's center, as well as uncover previously unseen details in the distorted galaxy. The featured image was captured by ESA's Earth-orbiting Euclid telescope in 2023 and released earlier this month.
© ESA, NASA, Euclid Consortium; Processing: J.-C. Cuillandre, G. Anselmi, T. Li