彗星G3 ATLAS正在智利的一座山上
(原标题: Comet G3 ATLAS Setting over a Chilean Hill )
浏览次数: 16
阿特拉斯彗星要去哪里?在这段特色的延时视频中,这颗彗星本身并没有移动太多,但地球的自转使它看起来像是在山上落下。彗星C/2024 G3 (ATLAS)序列是1月22日在智利中部Araucanía地区用普通相机拍摄到的。在过去的几周里,阿特拉斯彗星在地球南半球的夜空中一直是一个令人印象深刻的地方,它是如此明亮和令人敬畏,以至于它最终可能被称为2025年的大彗星。不幸的是,G3 ATLAS彗星不会再去任何地方了,因为它的中心核在上个月接近太阳时破裂了。这颗彗星散落的一些岩石和冰的残骸将继续围绕太阳运行,其中一些几乎与彗星核所处的轨道相同。
Where is Comet ATLAS going? In the featured time-lapse video, the comet is not itself moving very much, but the Earth's rotation makes it appear to be setting over a hill. The Comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) sequence was captured with an ordinary camera on January 22 from the Araucanía Region in central Chile. Comet ATLAS has been an impressive site in the evening skies of Earth's Southern Hemisphere over the past few weeks, so bright and awe-inspiring that it may eventually become known as the Great Comet of 2025. Unfortunately, Comet G3 ATLAS is not going anywhere anymore because its central nucleus broke up during its close pass to the Sun last month. Some of the comet's scattered remains of rocks and ice will continue to orbit the Sun, some in nearly the same outward section of the orbit that the comet's nucleus would have taken.
© Gabriel Muñoz