NASA 天文图片日历


彗星G3 ATLAS解体

(原标题: Comet G3 ATLAS Disintegrates)


浏览次数: 13

G3 ATLAS彗星怎么了?在1月中旬经过太阳附近后,彗星的头部变得越来越暗。到1月下旬,彗星C/2024 G3 (ATLAS)已经成为一个无头的奇迹——尽管它在地球南半球的天空日落后继续显示出令人印象深刻的尾巴。图为G3 ATLAS彗星在一月连续的夜晚在智利Río Hurtado拍摄的照片。很明显,彗星的头部在早期(左)比后期(右)更亮,更集中。一个关键的原因可能是彗星头部中心的冰和岩石核已经破碎。当G3 ATLAS彗星离太阳最近时,它正好在水星的轨道内通过,在这个距离上,热量会摧毁许多彗星。G3 ATLAS彗星的一些散射残留物将继续围绕太阳运行。图集:彗星G3 ATLAS


What's happening to Comet G3 ATLAS? After passing near the Sun in mid-January, the head of the comet has become dimmer and dimmer. By late January, Comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) had become a headless wonder -- even though it continued to show impressive tails after sunset in the skies of Earth's Southern Hemisphere. Pictured are images of Comet G3 ATLAS on successive January nights taken from Río Hurtado, Chile. Clearly, the comet's head is brighter and more centrally condensed on the earlier days (left) than on later days (right). A key reason is likely that the comet's nucleus of ice and rock, at the head's center, has fragmented. Comet G3 ATLAS passed well inside the orbit of planet Mercury when at its solar closest, a distance that where heat destroys many comets. Some of comet G3 ATLAS' scattering remains will continue to orbit the Sun. Gallery: Comet G3 ATLAS
