LEDA 1313424:靶心星系
(原标题: LEDA 1313424: The Bullseye Galaxy)
浏览次数: 21
这个编号为LEDA 1313424的巨大星系大约是我们银河系的2.5倍大。在这张哈勃太空望远镜最近发布的照片中,它引人注目的外观强烈地暗示了它的绰号“靶心星系”。它被称为一个碰撞环星系,通过望远镜观测证实,它有九个环,从它的中心荡起涟漪,就像一块掉进池塘的鹅卵石发出的波浪。当然,掉进靶心星系的鹅卵石本身就是一个星系。望远镜观测发现,中间偏左的蓝矮星系可能是对撞机,它穿过巨大星系的中心,在引力相互作用的作用下形成了同心圆。靶心星系距离双鱼座约5.67亿光年。在这个距离上,这张令人惊叹的哈勃图像将跨越大约53万光年。
The giant galaxy cataloged as LEDA 1313424 is about two and a half times the size of our own Milky Way. Its remarkable appearance in this recently released Hubble Space Telescope image strongly suggests its nickname "The Bullseye Galaxy". Known as a collisional ring galaxy it has nine rings confirmed by telescopic observations, rippling from its center like waves from a pebble dropped into a pond. Of course, the pebble dropped into the Bullseye galaxy was a galaxy itself. Telescopic observations identify the blue dwarf galaxy at center-left as the likely collider, passing through the giant galaxy's center and forming concentric rings in the wake of their gravitational interaction. The Bullseye Galaxy lies some 567 million light-years away toward the constellation Pisces. At that distance, this stunning Hubble image would span about 530,000 light-years.