(原标题: Sandy and the Moon Halo)
浏览次数: 18
去年四月的满月穿过地平线附近的高云,在这幅花园夜晚的天空中投下阴影。除了警犬桑迪看守花园大门外,这张广角快照还捕捉到了明亮的月亮22度的冰晕。但六月明亮的满月也会投下阴影。这个月,月亮的完全相位发生在6月22日01:08 UTC。这距离今天的6月至日(世界标准时间6月20日20:51)只有28小时左右,这是太阳到达其最大北纬的时刻。六月的满月位于最南端的赤纬,被一些人称为“草莓月”,当然会在朦胧的夜空中产生22度的光环。
Last April's Full Moon shines through high clouds near the horizon, casting shadows in this garden-at-night skyscape. Along with canine sentinel Sandy watching the garden gate, the wide-angle snapshot also captured the bright Moon's 22 degree ice halo. But June's bright Full Moon will cast shadows too. This month, the Moon's exact full phase occurs at 01:08 UTC June 22. That's a mere 28 hours or so after today's June solstice (at 20:51 UTC June 20), the moment when the Sun reaches its maximum northern declination. Known to some as a Strawberry Moon, June's Full Moon is at its southernmost declination, and of course will create its own 22 degree halos in hazy night skies.
© Marcella Giulia Pace