NASA 天文图片日历


NGC 6188:阿拉之龙

(原标题: NGC 6188: Dragons of Ara)


浏览次数: 15

龙会在天空的祭坛上战斗吗?虽然看起来是这样,但这些龙是由稀薄的气体和尘埃构成的幻象。发光云团所在的发射星云NGC 6188位于4000光年外的南部天坛星座,靠近一个可见波长看不见的大分子云的边缘。嵌入Ara OB1星协的大质量年轻恒星形成于几百万年前,塑造了黑暗的形状,并以恒星风和强烈的紫外线辐射为星云发光提供动力。最近的恒星形成本身可能是由前几代大质量恒星的风和超新星爆炸引发的,这些恒星卷起并压缩了分子气体。这张令人印象深刻的详细图像跨度超过2度(四个满月),对应于NGC 6188的估计距离超过150光年。


Do dragons fight on the altar of the sky? Although it might appear that way, these dragons are illusions made of thin gas and dust. The emission nebula NGC 6188, home to the glowing clouds, is found about 4,000 light years away near the edge of a large molecular cloud, unseen at visible wavelengths, in the southern constellation Ara (the Altar). Massive, young stars of the embedded Ara OB1 association were formed in that region only a few million years ago, sculpting the dark shapes and powering the nebular glow with stellar winds and intense ultraviolet radiation. The recent star formation itself was likely triggered by winds and supernova explosions from previous generations of massive stars, that swept up and compressed the molecular gas. This impressively detailed image spans over 2 degrees (four full Moons), corresponding to over 150 light years at the estimated distance of NGC 6188.
