NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: A December Summer Night)


浏览次数: 16

这张8分钟的照片捕捉到了宁静夜空的色彩,拍摄于今年12月至日左右,地点位于南半球的新西兰。向南看,恒星轨迹形成了短的同心弧,围绕着旋转的行星的南天极,位于画面的顶部。在中央上方和左侧是南十字星的轨迹和来自银河系煤袋星云的黑色斑点。半人马座α星和半人马座β星在南岛奥塔哥半岛太平洋沿岸的Hoopers Inlet的水域中反射出明亮的黄色和蓝色轨迹。在那个短暂的十二月夏夜,南极光也给山上的天空带来了明亮、绿色和红色的色调。极光是由于上层大气中的原子和分子与高能粒子碰撞而被激发而产生的。一种不同于极光的上层大气辉光,是一种淡绿色的气辉,是由阳光激发的一系列化学反应引起的,可以在左上角的对角线带中找到。


Colours of a serene evening sky are captured in this 8 minute exposure, made near this December's solstice from New Zealand, southern hemisphere, planet Earth. Looking south, star trails form the short concentric arcs around the rotating planet's south celestial pole positioned just off the top of the frame. At top and left of center are trails of the Southern Cross stars and a dark smudge from the Milky Way's Coalsack Nebula. Alpha and Beta Centauri make the brighter yellow and blue tinted trails, reflected below in the waters of Hoopers Inlet in the Pacific coast of the South Island's Otago Peninsula. On that short December summer night, aurora australis also gave luminous, green and reddish hues to the sky above the hills. Aurora shine as atoms and molecules in the upper atmosphere are excited by collisions with energetic particles. An upper atmospheric glow distinct from the aurora, a pale greenish airglow caused by a cascade of chemical reactions excited by sunlight, can be traced in diagonal bands at top left.
