NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: 183 Days in the Sun)


浏览次数: 15

用针孔相机和相纸进行183天的曝光,就产生了这张长时间的日晷仪。它记录于2022年6月21日至12月21日的至日至至日,从葡萄牙的梅托拉开始,它遵循太阳每天穿过地球天空的弧形路径。6月21日,太阳的最高点和最长的弧线代表了北半球最长的一天和天文学上夏天的开始。日照时间最短的至日是在北方的初冬,与2022年太阳弧度最短和最低相对应。2023年,北方冬至是在12月22日3:27 UTC。那是北美时区的12月21日。


A single 183 day exposure with a pinhole camera and photographic paper resulted in this long-duration solargraph. Recorded from solstice to solstice, June 21 to December 21, in 2022, it follows the Sun's daily arcing path through planet Earth's skies from Mertola, Portugal. On June 21, the Sun's highest point and longest arc represents the longest day and the astronomical beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere. The solstice date with the fewest hours of daylight is at the beginning of winter in the north, corresponding to the Sun's shortest and lowest arc in the 2022 solargraph. For 2023, the northern winter solstice was on December 22 at 3:27 UTC. That's December 21 for North America time zones.
