NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: Three Galaxies and a Comet)


浏览次数: 15

遥远的星系在这一度宽的视野中大量出现,朝向南方的天鹤星座。但右下角的三个螺旋星系非常引人注目。事实上,这三个星系都相距约7000万光年,有时被称为Grus Triplet。它们与被命名为C/2020 V2 ZTF的彗星共享12月13日拍摄的漂亮的望远镜框架。现在这颗彗星正从太阳系内部出来,以双曲线轨道在黄道平面下方摆动,在这张照片中,它距离我们美丽的星球大约29光分。尽管这颗ZTF彗星在去年5月最接近太阳、2023年9月最接近地球的时候更亮,但在指向南方夜空的望远镜中,它仍然很亮,几乎和格鲁斯三联体星系一样亮。


Distant galaxies abound in this one degree wide field of view toward the southern constellation Grus (The Crane). But the three spiral galaxies at the lower right are quite striking. In fact, all three galaxies are grouped about 70 million light years away and sometimes known as the Grus Triplet. They share the pretty telescopic frame, recorded on December 13, with the comet designated C/2020 V2 ZTF. Now outbound from the inner Solar System and swinging below the ecliptic plane in a hyperbolic orbit, the comet was about 29 light-minutes from our fair planet in this image. And though this comet ZTF was brighter when it was closest to the Sun last May and closest to Earth in September of 2023, it still shines in telescopes pointed toward southern night skies, remaining almost as bright as the Grus Triplet galaxies.
