NGC 6559中的恒星、尘埃和星云
(原标题: Stars, Dust and Nebula in NGC 6559)
浏览次数: 14
当恒星形成时,到处都是混乱。典型的例子是恒星形成区NGC 6559。在这张特色图像中可以看到红色的氢发射星云,蓝色的尘埃反射星云,深色的尘埃吸收星云,以及由它们形成的恒星。由致密气体形成的第一批大质量恒星将释放出高能光和风,这些光和风会侵蚀、破碎并塑造它们的出生地。然后它们就爆炸了。由此产生的泥沼既美丽又复杂。几千万年后,尘埃蒸发,气体被扫走,只剩下一个光秃秃的星团。
When stars form, pandemonium reigns. A textbook case is the star forming region NGC 6559. Visible in the featured image are red glowing emission nebulas of hydrogen, blue reflection nebulas of dust, dark absorption nebulas of dust, and the stars that formed from them. The first massive stars formed from the dense gas will emit energetic light and winds that erode, fragment, and sculpt their birthplace. And then they explode. The resulting morass can be as beautiful as it is complex. After tens of millions of years, the dust boils away, the gas gets swept away, and all that is left is a bare open cluster of stars.
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