NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: Planet Earth at Night II)


浏览次数: 15

2017年录制的国际空间站的延时序列被汇编在这段宁静的地球夜间视频中。低地球轨道的爱好者可以从欣赏绿色和红色的北极光覆盖天空开始。夜景从西北到东南横跨北美,朝向墨西哥湾和佛罗里达海岸。第二个序列沿着欧洲城市的灯光,穿过地中海,经过北非明亮的尼罗河。从轨道前哨站往下看,不稳定的闪电出现在下面的雷暴中,恒星通过微弱的大气辉光在行星弯曲的地平线上升起。当然,在家里你可以随时查看地球的生命迹象。明天的答案是:土星北部有多少面?< |档案|提交|索引|搜索|日历| RSS |教育|关于APOD |讨论| >作者和编辑:Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP) NASA官员:Phillip Newman特定权利适用。NASA网站隐私政策和重要声明为NASA / GSFC和密歇根理工大学ASD提供的服务。


Recorded during 2017, timelapse sequences from the International Space Station are compiled in this serene video of planet Earth at Night. Fans of low Earth orbit can start by enjoying the view as green and red aurora borealis slather up the sky. The night scene tracks from northwest to southeast across North America, toward the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida coast. A second sequence follows European city lights, crosses the Mediterranean Sea, and passes over a bright Nile river in northern Africa. Seen from the orbital outpost, erratic flashes of lightning appear in thunder storms below and stars rise above the planet's curved horizon through a faint atmospheric airglow. Of course, from home you can always check out the vital signs of Planet Earth Now. Tomorrow's answer: How many sides does northern Saturn have? < | Archive | Submissions | Index | Search | Calendar | RSS | Education | About APOD | Discuss | > Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP) NASA Official: Phillip Newman Specific rights apply. NASA Web Privacy Policy and Important Notices A service of: ASD at NASA / GSFC & Michigan Tech. U.
