NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: The Ñandú in the Milky Way)


浏览次数: 12

你见过银河中的那只鸟吗?除了月球上的人,夜空中充满了故事,历史上的文化将一些最持久的传说投射到上面的星星和尘埃上。一代又一代的人看到这些天象,听到与之相关的故事,并将它们传承下去。这张照片不仅是我们银河系中心带的一部分,而且根据乌拉圭几个土著民族的民间传说,这是一只名叫Ñandú的大鸟的轮廓。此外,Ñandú的足迹与南十字星群有关。在前景中,是María Micaela Guyunusa的雕像剪影,她是Charrúa人的土著妇女,生活在19世纪,一直是殖民抵抗的象征。这张合成照片是4月中旬在乌拉圭的波洛尼奥角拍摄的,背景是大西洋。


Have you seen the bird in the Milky Way? Beyond the man in the Moon, the night sky is filled with stories, and cultures throughout history have projected some of their most enduring legends onto the stars and dust above. Generations of people see these celestial icons, hear their associated stories, and pass them down. Pictured here is not only a segment of the central band of our Milky Way galaxy, but, according to folklore of several native peoples of Uruguay, the outline of a great bird called Ñandú. Furthermore, Ñandú's footprint is associated with the Southern Cross asterism. In the foreground, in silhouette, is a statue of María Micaela Guyunusa, an indigenous woman of the Charrúa people who lived in the 1800s and endures as a symbol of colonial resistance. The composite image was taken in mid-April in Cabo Polonio, Uruguay, with the Atlantic Ocean in the background.
