(原标题: M15: Dense Globular Star Cluster)
浏览次数: 19
梅西耶15是一个由超过10万颗恒星组成的巨大星系。它是我们银河系形成初期的遗迹,有130亿年的历史,是大约170个球状星团之一,它们仍然在银河系的光环中漫游。在这张经过重新处理的哈勃图像的中心,M15位于大约35000光年外的飞马座。它的直径约为200光年,但超过一半的恒星都集中在中央10光年左右的地方,这使得它成为已知的恒星密度最大的地方之一。基于哈勃望远镜对M15中心恒星速度增加的测量表明,在密集的星团中心存在一个巨大的黑洞。M15也有一个行星状星云。它被称为Pease 1(又名PN Ps 1),在这张照片中可以看到一个蓝色的小斑点,就在中间的右边。
Messier 15 is an immense swarm of over 100,000 stars. A 13 billion year old relic of the early formative years of our galaxy it's one of about 170 globular star clusters that still roam the halo of the Milky Way. Centered in this sharp reprocessed Hubble image, M15 lies some 35,000 light-years away toward the constellation Pegasus. Its diameter is about 200 light-years, but more than half its stars are packed into the central 10 light-years or so, making one of the densest concentrations of stars known. Hubble-based measurements of the increasing velocities of M15's central stars are evidence that a massive black hole resides at the center of the dense cluster. M15 is also known to harbour a planetary nebula. Called Pease 1 (aka PN Ps 1), it can be seen in this image as a small blue blob below and just right of center.