NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: Beautiful Albireo AB)


浏览次数: 15

对肉眼来说,天鹅座是一颗明亮的恒星。大约420光年远,它标志着北十字的脚,著名的星群在天鹅座。但通过小型望远镜的目镜观察,它会变成一颗美丽的双星,是夜空中蓝色和金色的瑰宝。天鹅座也被称为Albireo,命名为Albireo AB是为了表示它的两颗明亮的恒星。在这张望远镜拍摄的照片中,可以看到它们在视觉上显著的色差,以及右侧插图中所示的它们相关的可见光光谱。知更鸟A,上面的插图,显示了一颗k型巨星的光谱,它比太阳更冷,并且以黄色和红色的波长释放出大部分能量。下图是albireb,它的光谱是一颗比太阳热得多的主序星,它以蓝色和紫色释放出更多的能量。众所周知,albirea是一颗双星,两颗恒星一起围绕一个共同的质量中心运行,尽管这两颗恒星靠得太近,无法用小型望远镜分开观察。分隔良好的猎户座A和B很可能代表一颗光学双星,而不是物理双星系统,因为这两个组成部分在空间中有明显不同的测量运动。


Beta Cygni is a single bright star to the naked eye. About 420 light-years away it marks the foot of the Northern Cross, famous asterism in the constellation Cygnus. But a view through the eyepiece of a small telescope will transform it into a beautiful double star, a treasure of the night sky in blue and gold. Beta Cygni is also known as Albireo, designated Albireo AB to indicate its two bright component stars. Their visually striking color difference is illustrated in this telescopic snapshot, along with their associated visible spectrum of starlight shown in insets to the right. Albireo A, top inset, shows the spectrum of a K-type giant star, cooler than the Sun and emitting most of its energy at yellow and red wavelengths. Below, Albireo B has the spectrum of a main sequence star much hotter than the Sun, emitting more energy in blue and violet. Albireo A is known to be a binary star, two stars together orbiting a common center of mass, though the two stars are too close together to be seen separately with a small telescope. Well-separated Albireo A and B most likely represent an optical double star and not a physical binary system because the two components have clearly different measured motions through space.
