NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: Orion over Green Bank)


浏览次数: 17

今晚巨大的绿岸望远镜会发现什么?右下角的Robert C. Byrd Green Bank望远镜(GBT)是世界上最大的全指向单碟射电望远镜。GBT的中央天线比足球场还大,坐落在美国西弗吉尼亚州的山上,是一个无线电安静区,在那里手机、WiFi发射器甚至微波炉的使用都受到限制。GBT不仅在夜间探索我们的宇宙——也在白天,因为白天的天空在无线电波中通常是黑暗的。这张拍摄于1月下旬的特色照片,经过数月的计划才得到了猎户座恰到好处的位置。这张照片是在距离GBT一公里远的地方拍摄的前景照片和在前一天晚上长时间曝光后拍摄的背景照片的合成图。猎户座的深背景图像是合适的,因为在许多发现中,GBT以绘制猎户座分子云复合体中不寻常的磁场而闻名。


What will the huge Green Bank Telescope discover tonight? Pictured, the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT) on the lower right is the largest fully-pointable single-dish radio telescope in the world. With a central dish larger than a football field, the GBT is nestled in the hills of West Virginia, USA in a radio quiet zone where the use of cell phones, WiFi emitters, and even microwave ovens are limited. The GBT explores our universe not only during the night -- but during the day, too, since the daytime sky is typically dark in radio waves. Taken in late January, the featured image was planned for months to get the setting location of Orion just right. The image is a composite of a foreground shot taken over a kilometer away from the GBT, and a background shot built up of long exposures during the previous night. The deep background image of Orion is fitting because the GBT is famous for, among many discoveries, mapping the unusual magnetic field in the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex.
