NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS over California)


浏览次数: 12

阿特拉斯-土钦山彗星的彗尾是一幅值得一看的景象。C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)于上周在美国加利福尼亚州东部塞拉山脉附近拍摄的令人印象深刻的山峰。这颗彗星不仅有一条明亮的彗尾,而且有一条明显的反彗尾指向几乎相反的方向。球状星团M5可以在右边看到,在很远的地方。当它靠近的时候,还不清楚这个摇摇欲坠的冰山是否会在明亮的阳光下完全融化。事实上,这颗彗星幸存下来,变得比夜晚的任何恒星都要亮(星等为-4.9),但不幸的是,当时它离太阳太近了,以至于许多偶然的观察者很难找到它的位置。图钦山-阿特拉斯彗星是否会成为2024年的大彗星,部分取决于即将到来的彗星C/2024 S1(阿特拉斯)在未来两周内的表现。你的天空惊喜:APOD在你的生日上展示了什么照片?(1995后)


The tails of Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS were a sight to behold. Pictured, C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS) was captured near peak impressiveness last week over the Eastern Sierra Mountains in California, USA. The comet not only showed a bright tail, but a distinct anti-tail pointing in nearly the opposite direction. The globular star cluster M5 can be seen on the right, far in the distance. As it approached, it was unclear if this crumbling iceberg would disintegrate completely as it warmed in the bright sunlight. In reality, the comet survived to become brighter than any star in the night (magnitude -4.9), but unfortunately was then so nearly in front of the Sun that it was hard for many casual observers to locate. Whether Comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas becomes known as the Great Comet of 2024 now depends, in part, on how impressive incoming comet C/2024 S1 (ATLAS) becomes over the next two weeks. Your Sky Surprise: What picture did APOD feature on your birthday? (post 1995)
