RCW 85
浏览次数: 19
从罗杰斯、坎贝尔和怀特亚克1960年的天文目录中,发射区RCW 85在明亮的半人马座α星和β星之间的南方夜空中闪耀。在大约5000光年远的地方,由发光的氢气和尘埃组成的朦胧星际云是微弱的。但是,在这张由28小时窄幅和宽幅曝光组成的宇宙天空景观中,可以追踪到rcw85内沿明确边缘的详细结构。这个诱人的星云被称为“魔鬼之塔”,这让人联想到其他恒星托儿所的戏剧性形状,在那里,新生恒星发出的高能风和辐射塑造了由气体和尘埃组成的新生星云。这个望远镜框架将在RCW 85的估计距离上跨越大约100光年。
From the 1960 astronomical catalog of Rodgers, Campbell and Whiteoak, emission region RCW 85 shines in southern night skies between bright stars Alpha and Beta Centauri. About 5,000 light years distant, the hazy interstellar cloud of glowing hydrogen gas and dust is faint. But detailed structures along well-defined rims within RCW 85 are traced in this cosmic skyscape composed of 28 hours of narrow and broadband exposures. Suggestive of dramatic shapes in other stellar nurseries where natal clouds of gas and dust are sculpted by energetic winds and radiation from newborn stars, the tantalizing nebula has been called the Devil's Tower. This telescopic frame would span around 100 light-years at the estimated distance of RCW 85.
© Martin Pugh