NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: Red Aurora over Italy)


浏览次数: 19

昨晚地平线上的红光是什么?极光。几天前,我们异常活跃的太阳发生了一次表面爆炸,释放出大量电子、质子和更大质量的带电原子核。这种日冕物质抛射(CME)在地球上引发了极光,据报道,这种极光在地球北半球的极南地区非常罕见。例如,这是这位天体摄影师第一次从她的祖国意大利捕捉到极光。此外,这些极光的许多图像看起来都是红色的。在这张特色图片中,前景中可以看到意大利阿尔卑斯山上的Comelico Superiore镇,从左下角可以看到我们银河系的中央带。然而,最吸引眼球的是最右边明亮的红色极光。特征图像是使用同一相机在同一位置连续拍摄的前景和背景图像的合成图像。极光相册:选定的图片发送到APOD


What was that red glow on the horizon last night? Aurora. Our unusually active Sun produced a surface explosion a few days ago that sent out a burst of electrons, protons, and more massive charged nuclei. This coronal mass ejection (CME) triggered auroras here on Earth that are being reported unusually far south in Earth's northern hemisphere. For example, this was the first time that the astrophotographer captured aurora from her home country of Italy. Additionally, many images from these auroras appear quite red in color. In the featured image, the town of Comelico Superiore in the Italian Alps is visible in the foreground, with the central band of our Milky Way galaxy seen rising from the lower left. What draws the eye the most, though, is the bright red aurora on the far right. The featured image is a composite with the foreground and background images taken consecutively with the same camera and from the same location. Aurora Album: Selected images sent in to APOD
