NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: The Eagle Nebula with X-ray Hot Stars)


浏览次数: 14

著名的鹰状星云的星柱在x射线下是什么样子的?为了找到答案,美国宇航局的钱德拉x射线天文台对这些恒星形成的星际山脉进行了观察。研究发现,在M16中,尘埃柱本身并没有发射出很多x射线,但大量小而明亮的x射线源变得明显。这些光源在这张由钱德拉(x射线)、XMM (x射线)、JWST(红外)、斯皮策(红外)、哈勃(可见光)和VLT(可见光)曝光的合成图像上显示为明亮的点。产生这些x射线的恒星仍然是一个研究课题,但一些被假设为热的,最近形成的,低质量的恒星,而另一些被认为是热的,古老的,高质量的恒星。这些x射线热恒星散布在框架周围——之前在可见光下发现的蒸发气体小球(EGGS)目前还不够热,无法发射x射线。


What do the famous Eagle Nebula star pillars look like in X-ray light? To find out, NASA's orbiting Chandra X-ray Observatory peered in and through these interstellar mountains of star formation. It was found that in M16 the dust pillars themselves do not emit many X-rays, but a lot of small-but-bright X-ray sources became evident. These sources are shown as bright dots on the featured image which is a composite of exposures from Chandra (X-rays), XMM (X-rays), JWST (infrared), Spitzer (infrared), Hubble (visible), and the VLT (visible). What stars produce these X-rays remains a topic of research, but some are hypothesized to be hot, recently-formed, low-mass stars, while others are thought to be hot, older, high-mass stars. These X-ray hot stars are scattered around the frame -- the previously identified Evaporating Gaseous Globules (EGGS) seen in visible light are not currently hot enough to emit X-rays.
