(原标题: Apollo 11: Armstrong's Lunar Selfie)
浏览次数: 22
尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)拍摄的巴兹·奥尔德林(Buzz Aldrin)站在月球上的照片,经过数码处理后,创造了这张月球自拍照。1969年7月阿波罗11号登月后,阿姆斯特朗的原始照片不仅记录了一个陌生世界的壮丽荒凉,而且还记录了奥尔德林弯曲面罩上的阿姆斯特朗本人。在未包裹的图像中,奥尔德林头盔反射的球面畸变被逆转了。从奥尔德林的角度来看,这一转变后的观点展现了阿姆斯特朗本人。由于阿姆斯特朗拍摄了最初的照片,今天的照片代表了54年前的月球自拍照。原始图像中奥尔德林遮阳板的反射出现在左边。明亮的(但扭曲的)地球悬挂在月球上空阿姆斯特朗的身影,在右上方。鹰号着陆器的一个铝箔包裹的腿和奥尔德林在月球表面延伸的长长的影子是明显可见的。2024年,美国宇航局的阿尔忒弥斯2号任务将把人类送回月球。
A photograph of Buzz Aldrin standing on the Moon taken by Neil Armstrong, was digitally reversed to create this lunar selfie. Captured in July 1969 following the Apollo 11 moon landing, Armstrong's original photograph recorded not only the magnificent desolation of an unfamiliar world, but Armstrong himself reflected in Aldrin's curved visor. In the unwrapped image, the spherical distortion of the reflection in Aldrin's helmet has been reversed. The transformed view features Armstrong himself from Aldrin's perspective. Since Armstrong took the original picture, today the image represents a fifty-four year old lunar selfie. Aldrin's visor reflection in the original image appears here on the left. Bright (but distorted) planet Earth hangs in the lunar sky above Armstrong's figure, toward the upper right. A foil-wrapped leg of the Eagle lander and Aldrin's long shadow stretching across the lunar surface are prominently visible. In 2024 NASA's Artemis II mission will return humans to the Moon.