NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: Three Galaxies in Draco)


浏览次数: 18

这个诱人的三个星系有时被称为天龙座群,位于(你猜对了)天龙座的北部。从左到右分别是正面朝上的螺旋星系NGC 5985、椭圆星系NGC 5982和侧面朝上的螺旋星系NGC 5981,它们都位于这张跨度略大于满月宽度的望远镜视野内。虽然这个星系群太小,不可能是一个星系团,也没有被归类为一个紧凑的星系群,但这三个星系都距离地球大约1亿光年。虽然不像其他紧密的星系群那样为人所知,但在视觉外观上的对比仍然使这个三重星系成为天文学家的一个有吸引力的研究对象。通过光谱仪的仔细观察,引人注目的螺旋星系NGC 5985明亮的核心显示出特定波长的光的突出发射,促使天文学家将其归类为Seyfert,一种活动星系。这张令人印象深刻的深曝光暗示了一个暗淡的晕,以及围绕着椭圆NGC 5982的边缘锋利的壳层,这是过去星系合并的证据。它还揭示了许多更遥远的背景星系。


This tantalizing trio of galaxies sometimes called the Draco Group, is located in the northern constellation of (you guessed it) Draco, the Dragon. From left to right are face-on spiral NGC 5985, elliptical galaxy NGC 5982, and edge-on spiral NGC 5981, all found within this single telescopic field of view that spans a little more than the width of the full moon. While the group is far too small to be a galaxy cluster, and has not been catalogued as a compact galaxy group, the three galaxies all do lie roughly 100 million light-years from planet Earth. Not as well known as other tight groupings of galaxies, the contrast in visual appearance still makes this triplet an attractive subject for astroimagers. On close examination with spectrographs, the bright core of striking spiral NGC 5985 shows prominent emission in specific wavelengths of light, prompting astronomers to classify it as a Seyfert, a type of active galaxy. This impressively deep exposure hints at a faint dim halo along with sharp-edged shells surrounding elliptical NGC 5982, evidence of past galactic mergers. It also reveals many even more distant background galaxies.
