Terran 1燃烧Methalox
(原标题: Terran 1 Burns Methalox)
浏览次数: 15
Relativity公司的Terran 1火箭主要是3d打印的。它燃烧由液态甲烷和液态氧组成的低温火箭燃料。在这张3月22日晚上从卡纳维拉尔角发射的人族1号的特写照片中,冰块从它的9个Aeon 1发动机发出的强烈的蓝色废气流中穿过令人惊叹的画面。在一次基本成功的飞行中,这枚创新火箭实现了主发动机的关闭和一级分离,但在第二级飞行开始时出现异常,未能进入轨道。当然,这个人族1号火箭从来没有打算去火星旅行。尽管如此,它的甲基甲苯燃料中的甲烷和液氧成分可以完全由这颗红色星球上发现的材料制成。在火星上制造的甲基甲苯可以用作返回地球的火箭的燃料。
Relativity's Terran 1 Rocket is mostly 3D-printed. It burns a cryogenic rocket fuel composed of liquid methane and liquid oxygen (methalox). In this close-up of a Terran 1 launch on the night of March 22 from Cape Canaveral, icy chunks fall through the stunning frame as intense blue exhaust streams from its nine Aeon 1 engines. In a largely successful flight the inovative rocket achieved main engine cutoff and stage separation but fell short of orbit after an anomaly at the beginning of its second stage flight. Of course this Terran 1 rocket was never intended to travel to Mars. Still, the methane and liquid oxygen components of its methalox fuel can be made solely from materials found on the Red Planet. Methalox manufactured on Mars could be used as fuel for rockets returning to planet Earth.