(原标题: Rubin's Galaxy)
浏览次数: 16
在这张哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的照片中,明亮的尖状恒星位于英勇的北方英仙座的前景,位于我们银河系的内部。远处的焦点是UGC 2885,一个距离我们约2.32亿光年的巨大螺旋星系。它的直径约为80万光年,而银河系的直径约为10万光年,它有大约1万亿颗恒星。这大约是银河系恒星数量的10倍。UGC 2885是一项研究的一部分,旨在了解星系是如何成长到如此巨大的规模,它也是天文学家维拉·鲁宾对螺旋星系旋转的开创性研究的一部分。她的研究首次令人信服地证明了暗物质在我们的宇宙中占据主导地位。
In this Hubble Space Telescope image the bright, spiky stars lie in the foreground toward the heroic northern constellation Perseus and well within our own Milky Way galaxy. In sharp focus beyond is UGC 2885, a giant spiral galaxy about 232 million light-years distant. Some 800,000 light-years across compared to the Milky Way's diameter of 100,000 light-years or so, it has around 1 trillion stars. That's about 10 times as many stars as the Milky Way. Part of an investigation to understand how galaxies can grow to such enormous sizes, UGC 2885 was also part of An Interesting Voyage and astronomer Vera Rubin's pioneering study of the rotation of spiral galaxies. Her work was the first to convincingly demonstrate the dominating presence of dark matter in our universe.