(原标题: Moon O'Clock 2022)
浏览次数: 17
2023年的第一个满月将在今晚23:08 UTC与太阳相对。月亮又大又漂亮,在它最亮的阶段应该很容易被发现。尽管如此,为了快速参考,在斯里兰卡的这个专门的天文成像项目中,拍摄了2022年所有满月时间附近的图像。图表中给出了2022年12个满月的日期、月份和一个传统的流行名称。每个满月的视大小取决于满月与近地点或远地点(月球椭圆轨道上最近或最远的点)的距离。就像2022年狼月在1点钟的位置一样,今晚的满月发生在远地点的大约两天内。但与2022年不同的是,2023年将有13次满月,并不都适合12小时制。
The first Full Moon of 2023 is in the sky tonight opposite the Sun at 23:08 UTC. Big and beautiful, the Moon at its brightest phase should be easy to spot. Still, for quick reference images captured near the times of all the full moons of 2022 are aranged in this dedicated astro-imaging project from Sri Lanka, planet Earth. The day, month, and a traditional popular name for 2022's twelve full moons are given in the chart. The apparent size of each full moon depends on how close the full lunar phase is to perigee or apogee, the closest or farthest point in the Moon's elliptical orbit. Like the 2022 Wolf Moon at the 1 o'clock position, tonight's Full Moon occurs within about two days of apogee. But unlike in 2022, the year 2023 will have 13 full moons that won't all fit nicely on the twelve hour clock.
© Niveth Kumar