(原标题: Find the New Moon)
浏览次数: 22
你能找到月亮吗?这个通常很简单的任务可能相当困难。即使月亮有一半的时间在你的地平线上,它的相位也可以从新月到满月。这张特色图片是5月下旬在地中海上空清晨从西班牙Sant Martí d'Empúries拍摄的。你找不到这颗月亮的一个原因是,它非常接近它的新相位,在这个阶段,地球上几乎看不到被太阳照亮的一半。另一个原因是因为这颗月亮靠近地平线,所以通过地球大气层的一条长长的路径可以看到——这条路径使已经暗淡的新月变暗。任何新月都只能在靠近太阳的方向上看到,因此只能在日出或日落附近找到。月亮在一个月内经历了所有的阶段,这个月最薄的新月——新月——将在三天内出现。
Can you find the Moon? This usually simple task can be quite difficult. Even though the Moon is above your horizon half of the time, its phase can be anything from crescent to full. The featured image was taken in late May from Sant Martí d'Empúries, Spain, over the Mediterranean Sea in the early morning. One reason you can't find this moon is because it is very near to its new phase, when very little of the half illuminated by the Sun is visible to the Earth. Another reason is because this moon is near the horizon and so seen through a long path of Earth's atmosphere -- a path which dims the already faint crescent. Any crescent moon is only visible near the direction the Sun, and so only locatable near sunrise or sunset. The Moon runs through all of its phases in a month (moon-th), and this month the thinnest sliver of a crescent -- a new moon -- will occur in three days.
© Mohamad Soltanolkotabi