NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: Messier 10 and Comet)


浏览次数: 18

摄于2022年7月15日,彗星C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS)有一个更混乱的时刻,与球状星团梅西耶10共享这个广阔的望远镜视野。当然,M10是由18世纪的彗星猎人查尔斯·梅西耶编目的,在他的清单上,它是第十个绝对不是彗星的物体。虽然M10距离我们大约1.4万光年远,但这颗彗星PanSTARRS在7月14日最接近我们的时候距离我们公平的星球大约15光分钟。它的绿色彗发和尘埃尾巴让21世纪的彗星观测者们津津乐道,C/2017 K2有望在北方夏季的天空中保持一颗优秀的望远镜彗星。2017年5月,在我们太阳系遥远的奥尔特云的处女航中,这颗彗星PanSTARRS被发现,当时它在土星轨道之外。这使它成为当时已知的最遥远的活跃彗星。12月19日,它最接近太阳的距离将在1.8天文单位以内,超过火星的轨道距离。


Imaged on July 15 2022, comet C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) had a Messier moment, sharing this wide telescopic field of view with globular star cluster Messier 10. Of course M10 was cataloged by 18th century comet hunter Charles Messier as the 10th object on his list of things that were definitely not comets. While M10 is about 14 thousand light-years distant, this comet PanSTARRS was about 15 light-minutes from our fair planet following its July 14 closest approach. Its greenish coma and dust tail entertaining 21st century comet watchers, C/2017 K2 is expected to remain a fine telescopic comet in northern summer skies. On a maiden voyage from our Solar System's remote Oort Cloud this comet PanSTARRS was discovered in May 2017 when it was beyond the orbit of Saturn. At the time that made it the most distant active inbound comet known. Its closest approach to the Sun will be within 1.8 astronomical units on December 19, beyond the orbital distance of Mars.
