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Lynds 483内的原恒星

(原标题: The Protostars within Lynds 483)


浏览次数: 23

在詹姆斯韦伯太空望远镜拍摄的这张近红外图像中,两颗原恒星隐藏在靠近沙漏状星云中心的单个像素中。这个活跃形成的恒星系统位于一个编号为Lynds 483的尘埃分子云中,距离蛇尾座约650光年。在数万年的时间里,坍缩的原恒星一直在喷发出准直的高能物质射流,造成了惊人的双极流出。韦伯的高分辨率视图以戏剧性的细节展示了恒星形成的暴力,扭曲的激波锋面膨胀并与较慢、密度较大的物质碰撞。这张恒星形成区域的首张特写照片位于黑暗星云Lynds 483内,距离不到1/2光年。3月13日至14日:月全食


Two protostars are hidden in a single pixel near the center of a striking hourglass-shaped nebula in this near-infrared image from the James Webb Space Telescope. The actively forming star system lies in a dusty molecular cloud cataloged as Lynds 483, some 650 light-years distant toward the constellation Serpens Cauda. Responsible for the stunning bipolar outflows, the collapsing protostars have been blasting out collimated energetic jets of material over tens of thousands of years. Webb's high-resolution view shows the violence of star-formation in dramatic detail as twisting shock fronts expand and collide with slower, denser material. The premier close-up of the star-forming region spans less than 1/2 a light-year within dark nebula Lynds 483. March 13/14: Total Lunar Eclipse
