彗星G3 ATLAS的许多尾巴
(原标题: The Many Tails of Comet G3 ATLAS)
浏览次数: 18
为什么这颗彗星有这么多尾巴?在过去的两周里,从地球南半球可以看到C/2024 G3 (ATLAS)形成了几个又长又复杂的尾巴。许多观测者报告说,在日落之后,在西方地平线上没有任何光学辅助的情况下看到了这颗令人印象深刻的彗星。五天前,在智利帕拉纳天文台的黑暗天空中,至少有六个不同的尾巴出现在这张特色图像中。形成多重彗尾的一个可能原因是彗星旋转的彗核排出了尘埃和气体。太阳复杂的太阳风向外的推力也可能起作用。阿特拉斯彗星巨大的冰山状彗核似乎在两周前最接近太阳时破裂。不幸的是,阿特拉斯彗星及其彗尾预计将在未来几周内明显褪色。你的天空惊喜:APOD在你的生日上展示了什么照片?(1995后)
Why does this comet have so many tails? C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) has developed several long and intricate tails visible from Earth's southern hemisphere over the past two weeks. Many observers reported seeing the impressive comet without any optical aid above the western horizon just after sunset. At least six different tails appear in the featured image captured five days ago from the dark skies above Paranal Observatory in Chile. One possible cause for the multiple tails is dust and gas being expelled from the comet's rotating nucleus. The outward push of the Sun's complex solar wind may also play a role. The huge iceberg-like nucleus of Comet ATLAS appears to have broken up near its closest approach to the Sun two weeks ago. Unfortunately, Comet ATLAS and its tails are expected to fade significantly over the coming weeks. Your Sky Surprise: What picture did APOD feature on your birthday? (post 1995)
© Martin Mašek (FZU, Czech Academy of Sciences) & Jakub Kuřák