NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: Young Stars, Dark Nebulae)


浏览次数: 23

金牛座中一个不起眼的区域拥有这些黑暗的尘埃星云。分散在场景中的多星系统中的恒星正在大约450光年外的金牛座分子云复合体中形成。这些恒星年轻数百万年,仍处于恒星青春期,它们的亮度变化不定,处于引力坍缩的后期阶段。它们被称为金牛座t型恒星,它们往往是暗淡的,在图像中呈现黄色。V773(又名HD283447)是金牛座中最亮的t -金牛座恒星之一,位于跨度超过1度的望远镜框架的中心附近。图片上方是天空中密集的黑色标记,编号为巴纳德209。


An unassuming region in the constellation Taurus holds these dark and dusty nebulae. Scattered through the scene, stars in multiple star systems are forming within their natal Taurus molecular cloud complex some 450 light-years away. Millions of years young and still going through stellar adolescence, the stars are variable in brightness and in the late phases of their gravitational collapse. Known as T-Tauri class stars they tend to be faint and take on a yellowish hue in the image. One of the brightest T-Tauri stars in Taurus, V773 (aka HD283447) is near the center of the telescopic frame that spans over 1 degree. Toward the top is the dense, dark marking on the sky cataloged as Barnard 209.
