(原标题: Rocket Launch as Seen from the International Space Station)
浏览次数: 19
你见过火箭从太空发射吗?仔细观察这段特色的延时视频,你会发现从国际空间站(ISS)上可以看到一枚火箭上升到地球轨道上。俄罗斯联盟- fg火箭于2018年11月从哈萨克斯坦拜科努尔航天发射场发射,携带了一个进步号MS-10(也是71P)模块,为国际空间站提供所需的物资。在这段90秒的视频(大约15分钟的压缩时间)中,亮点包括左下角地球上可见的城市灯光和云,蓝色和金色的大气辉光带对角线穿过中心,以及右上方位于地球后面的遥远恒星。当机器人补给飞船启动推进器并开始关闭国际空间站时,可以看到一个较低的一级落回地球,国际空间站是一个空间实验室,于2023年庆祝其成立25周年。生活在绕地球轨道运行的国际空间站上的宇航员,除了更实际的任务外,还进行了许多科学实验,这些实验可以扩展人类的知识,并使未来的近地轨道商业工业成为可能。
Have you ever seen a rocket launch -- from space? A close inspection of the featured time-lapse video will reveal a rocket rising to Earth orbit as seen from the International Space Station (ISS). The Russian Soyuz-FG rocket was launched in November 2018 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, carrying a Progress MS-10 (also 71P) module to bring needed supplies to the ISS. Highlights in the 90-second video (condensing about 15-minutes) include city lights and clouds visible on the Earth on the lower left, blue and gold bands of atmospheric airglow running diagonally across the center, and distant stars on the upper right that set behind the Earth. A lower stage can be seen falling back to Earth as the robotic supply ship fires its thrusters and begins to close on the ISS, a space laboratory that celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2023. Astronauts who live aboard the Earth-orbiting ISS conduct, among more practical duties, numerous science experiments that expand human knowledge and enable future commercial industry in low Earth orbit.