NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: Grand Spiral NGC 5643)


浏览次数: 21

正面观看,大旋涡星系NGC 5643在这张彩色的宇宙肖像中有着节日般的外观。这个星系距离我们约5500万光年,延伸超过10万光年,位于南部的狼疮星座的边界内。这张哈勃太空望远镜合成的图像数据清晰地显示了它内部4万光年的细节。星系壮丽的旋臂从一个由老恒星发出的光主导的黄色中心区域吹来,而旋臂本身则被尘埃带、年轻的蓝色恒星和红色的恒星形成区域所追踪。NGC 5643明亮致密的核心也被认为是无线电波和x射线的强烈发射器。事实上,NGC 5643是离我们最近的塞弗特活动星系之一,在那里,大量的尘埃和气体被认为正在落入一个中心的大质量黑洞。


Viewed face-on, grand spiral galaxy NGC 5643 has a festive appearance in this colorful cosmic portrait. Some 55 million light-years distant, the galaxy extends for over 100,000 light-years, seen within the boundaries of the southern constellation Lupus. Its inner 40,000 light-years are shown in sharp detail in this composite of Hubble Space Telescope image data. The galaxy's magnificent spiral arms wind from a yellowish central region dominated by light from old stars, while the spiral arms themselves are traced by dust lanes, young blue stars and reddish star forming regions. The bright compact core of NGC 5643 is also known as a strong emitter of radio waves and X-rays. In fact, NGC 5643 is one of the closest examples of the Seyfert class of active galaxies, where vast amounts of dust and gas are thought to be falling into a central massive black hole.
