NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: Messier 4)


浏览次数: 20

梅西耶4位于明亮的红巨星心宿二的西面,心宿二是天蝎座的阿尔法星。M4本身只能在黑暗的天空中看到,即使这个由大约10万颗恒星组成的球状星团距离我们只有5500光年。尽管如此,它靠近望远镜的眼睛,使它成为天文探索的主要目标。最近的研究包括哈勃望远镜对M4的脉动造父变星、冷却的白矮星和围绕系外行星PSR b1620 - 26b运行的古老脉冲星的观测。这张清晰的图像是用地球上的小型望远镜拍摄的。根据M4的估计距离,它横跨球状星团的核心约50光年。


Messier 4 can be found west of bright red-giant star Antares, alpha star of the constellation Scorpius. M4 itself is only just visible from dark sky locations, even though the globular cluster of 100,000 stars or so is a mere 5,500 light-years away. Still, its proximity to prying telescopic eyes makes it a prime target for astronomical explorations. Recent studies have included Hubble observations of M4's pulsating cepheid variable stars, cooling white dwarf stars, and ancient, pulsar orbiting exoplanet PSR B1620-26 b. This sharp image was captured with a small telescope on planet Earth. At M4's estimated distance it spans about 50 light-years across the core of the globular star cluster.
