(原标题: Comet A3 Through an Australian Sunrise)
浏览次数: 11
现在可以在清晨的天空中看到冢山-阿特拉斯彗星。以一个奇怪的角度潜入太阳系内部,这个巨大的脏冰山将在两天内经过离太阳最近的地方——水星和金星的轨道之间。长时间曝光的相机现在正在拍摄C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS),有时简称为A3,以及日出前和日出期间的尘埃尾巴。这张特色合成图像是四天前拍摄的,拍摄了这颗彗星在澳大利亚新南威尔士州乔治湖上空升起的情景。更左边的垂直波段是彗星的图像,因为升起的太阳使黎明前的天空变得越来越明亮和丰富多彩。下个月这颗彗星会变得多亮目前还不得而知,因为它涉及到彗核会排出多少气体和尘埃。乐观的天文观测者们希望看到一场伟大的表演,在地球的天空中,冢山-阿特拉斯产生了可见的尘埃和离子尾巴,并被称为2024年的大彗星。调查:色盲和天文图像的增长画廊:2024年的土钦山彗星- atlas
Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS is now visible in the early morning sky. Diving into the inner Solar System at an odd angle, this large dirty iceberg will pass its closest to the Sun -- between the orbits of Mercury and Venus -- in just two days. Long camera exposures are now capturing C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS), sometimes abbreviated as just A3, and its dust tail before and during sunrise. The featured image composite was taken four days ago and captured the comet as it rose above Lake George, NSW, Australia. Vertical bands further left are images of the comet as the rising Sun made the predawn sky increasingly bright and colorful. Just how bright the comet will become over the next month is currently unknown as it involves how much gas and dust the comet's nucleus will expel. Optimistic skywatchers are hoping for a great show where Tsuchinshan–ATLAS creates dust and ion tails visible across Earth's sky and becomes known as the Great Comet of 2024. Survey: Color Blindness and Astronomical Images Growing Gallery: Comet Tsuchinsan-ATLAS in 2024
© Lucy Yunxi Hu