NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: Melotte 15 in the Heart Nebula)


浏览次数: 14

宇宙云在发射星云IC 1805的中心区域形成了奇异的形状。这些云是由星云新生星团Melotte 15的恒星风和大质量热恒星的辐射雕刻而成的。大约有150万年的历史,星团的恒星分散在这张彩色的天空中,伴随着黑暗的尘埃云的轮廓,映衬着发光的原子气体。这幅窄带和宽带望远镜图像的合成图,跨度约15光年,包括电离氢、硫和氧原子的辐射,在哈勃调色板上被绘制成绿色、红色和蓝色。更大范围的图像显示,IC 1805更简单的整体轮廓暗示了它的流行名称——心脏星云。IC 1805距离仙后座约7500光年。


Cosmic clouds form fantastic shapes in the central regions of emission nebula IC 1805. The clouds are sculpted by stellar winds and radiation from massive hot stars in the nebula's newborn star cluster, Melotte 15. About 1.5 million years young, the cluster stars are scattered in this colorful skyscape, along with dark dust clouds in silhouette against glowing atomic gas. A composite of narrowband and broadband telescopic images, the view spans about 15 light-years and includes emission from ionized hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen atoms mapped to green, red, and blue hues in the popular Hubble Palette. Wider field images reveal that IC 1805's simpler, overall outline suggests its popular name - the Heart Nebula. IC 1805 is located about 7,500 light years away toward the boastful constellation Cassiopeia.
