NASA 天文图片日历


NGC 7789:卡罗琳的玫瑰

(原标题: NGC 7789: Caroline's Rose)


浏览次数: 23

在银河系丰富的星域中发现的星团NGC 7789位于仙后座大约8000光年远的地方。这个星团是天文学家卡罗琳·卢克丽霞·赫歇尔在18世纪晚期发现的,也被称为卡罗琳的玫瑰。在小型望远镜中,它的视觉外观是由星团的恒星和空洞形成的,让人联想到嵌套的玫瑰花瓣。这个星系或疏散星团现在估计有16亿年的历史,也显示了它的年龄。星团中的所有恒星都可能同时诞生,但更明亮、质量更大的恒星会更快地耗尽其核心的氢燃料。这些恒星已经从像太阳这样的主序星演变成许多红巨星,在这张颜色合成图中显示为淡黄色。通过测量颜色和亮度,天文学家可以模拟质量,从而模拟星团恒星刚刚开始“关闭”主序并成为红巨星的年龄。卡洛琳的玫瑰直径超过50光年,在这幅清晰的望远镜图像的中心附近跨越了大约半度(月球的角大小)。


Found among the rich starfields of the Milky Way, star cluster NGC 7789 lies about 8,000 light-years away toward the constellation Cassiopeia. A late 18th century deep sky discovery of astronomer Caroline Lucretia Herschel, the cluster is also known as Caroline's Rose. Its visual appearance in small telescopes, created by the cluster's complex of stars and voids, is suggestive of nested rose petals. Now estimated to be 1.6 billion years young, the galactic or open cluster of stars also shows its age. All the stars in the cluster were likely born at the same time, but the brighter and more massive ones have more rapidly exhausted the hydrogen fuel in their cores. These have evolved from main sequence stars like the Sun into the many red giant stars shown with a yellowish cast in this color composite. Using measured color and brightness, astronomers can model the mass and hence the age of the cluster stars just starting to "turn off" the main sequence and become red giants. Over 50 light-years across, Caroline's Rose spans about half a degree (the angular size of the Moon) near the center of the sharp telescopic image.
