(原标题: Aurora Dome Sky)
浏览次数: 20
这似乎是夜晚,但天空的一部分发出紫色的光。那是2024年5月10日的夜晚,世界上许多地方的人们都报道了美丽的极光弥漫的天空。这张特色图片是在美国威斯康辛州阿灵顿市凌晨拍摄的。这张全景图是由几张6秒曝光的照片合成而成,覆盖了三分之二的可见天空,北方在中央,并经过处理以提高颜色并去除电线。摄影师(在前景中)报告说,极光似乎从头顶的一个点流出,但只照亮了北方的天空。极光的高能粒子源于几天前太阳在太阳黑子AR 3664上喷射出的日冕物质抛射。这个大的活动区上周旋转到太阳的远端,但很可能在下周继续旋转回地球。
It seemed like night, but part of the sky glowed purple. It was the now famous night of May 10, 2024, when people over much of the world reported beautiful aurora-filled skies. The featured image was captured this night during early morning hours from Arlington, Wisconsin, USA. The panorama is a composite of several 6-second exposures covering two thirds of the visible sky, with north in the center, and processed to heighten the colors and remove electrical wires. The photographer (in the foreground) reported that the aurora appeared to flow from a point overhead but illuminated the sky only toward the north. The aurora's energetic particles originated from CMEs ejected from our Sun over sunspot AR 3664 a few days before. This large active region rotated to the far side of the Sun last week, but may well survive to rotate back toward the Earth next week.
© Xuecheng Liu & Yuxuan Liu