NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: A Total Solar Eclipse Close-Up in Real Time)


浏览次数: 15

如果太阳消失了,你会有什么感觉?2017年,美国各地的许多日食观测者对太阳暂时消失在月球后面时所感受到的敬畏和惊呼感到惊讶。也许只是期待着短暂的黄昏,不同寻常的快速黑暗,在月球边缘周围惊人明亮的发光珠子,令人震惊的粉红色太阳日珥,以及横跨天空的奇怪细节的日冕的景象让许多脾气暴躁的人感到惊讶。2017年日全食的三分钟实时视频捕捉到了许多这些特征。这些视频帧是在俄勒冈州温泉市获得的,设备是由Jun Ho Oh专门设计的,用于在日食期间跟踪太阳外围的特写镜头。视频结束时,太阳在月球的另一侧重生。下个月,也就是4月8日,一次新的日全食将在横跨北美的细带中可见。


How would you feel if the Sun disappeared? Many eclipse watchers across the USA surprised themselves in 2017 with the awe that they felt and the exclamations that they made as the Sun momentarily disappeared behind the Moon. Perhaps expecting just a brief moment of dusk, the spectacle of unusually rapid darkness, breathtakingly bright glowing beads around the Moon's edge, shockingly pink solar prominences, and a strangely detailed corona stretching across the sky caught many a curmudgeon by surprise. Many of these attributes were captured in the featured real-time, three-minute video of 2017's total solar eclipse. The video frames were acquired in Warm Springs, Oregon with equipment specifically designed by Jun Ho Oh to track a close-up of the Sun's periphery during eclipse. As the video ends, the Sun is seen being reborn on the other side of the Moon from where it departed. Next month, on April 8th, a new total solar eclipse will be visible in a thin band across North America.
