NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: Seagull Nebula over Pinnacles' Peak)


浏览次数: 21

鸟比山峰还大。海鸥星云因其鸟的形状而得名,它是夜空中一个巨大的发射星云,横跨的角度超过满月直径的五倍,超过200光年。星云的头部被编录为IC 2177,其右翼下的星团被编录为NGC 2343。海鸥星云主要由发红光的氢气组成,它包含了一些尘埃带,正在形成恒星。这只海鸥翱翔的高峰出现在美国加州的尖峰国家公园。这幅特色图像是由背景天空的长曝光图像和前景的短曝光图像合成而成的,它们都是用同一台相机在同一地点连续拍摄的。探索你的宇宙:随机APOD生成器


The bird is bigger than the peak. Nicknamed for its avian shape, the Seagull Nebula is an emission nebula on the night sky that is vast, spanning an angle over five times the diameter of the full moon and over 200 light years. The head of the nebula is catalogued as IC 2177, and the star cluster under its right wing is catalogued as NGC 2343. Consisting of mostly red-glowing hydrogen gas, the Seagull Nebula incorporates some dust lanes and is forming stars. The peak over which this Seagull seems to soar occurs at Pinnacles National Park in California, USA. The featured image is a composite of long exposure images of the background sky and short exposure images of the foreground, all taken consecutively with the same camera and from the same location. Explore Your Universe: Random APOD Generator
