PDS 70:圆盘、行星和卫星
(原标题: PDS 70: Disk, Planets, and Moons)
浏览次数: 14
并不是大戒指吸引了最多的注意。虽然PDS 70恒星周围的大行星形成环的图像很清晰,而且它本身也很有趣。人们谈论得最多的,也不是大圆盘里右边的那颗行星。尽管PDS 70c是一颗新形成的行星,有趣的是,它的大小和质量与木星相似。是行星PDS 70c周围的模糊区域引起了骚乱。这个模糊的斑块被认为是一个尘埃盘,现在正在形成卫星——这是以前从未见过的。这幅特色图像是由位于智利北部阿塔卡马沙漠的66架射电望远镜组成的阿塔卡马大型毫米波阵列(ALMA)于2021年拍摄的。根据ALMA的数据,天文学家推断,形成月球的系外行星盘的半径与地球轨道相似,有一天可能会形成三个左右月球大小的卫星——与木星的四个卫星相差不大。
It's not the big ring that's attracting the most attention. Although the big planet-forming ring around the star PDS 70 is clearly imaged and itself quite interesting. It's also not the planet on the right, just inside the big disk, that’s being talked about the most. Although the planet PDS 70c is a newly formed and, interestingly, similar in size and mass to Jupiter. It's the fuzzy patch around the planet PDS 70c that's causing the commotion. That fuzzy patch is thought to be a dusty disk that is now forming into moons -- and that had never been seen before. The featured image was taken in 2021 by the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) of 66 radio telescopes in the high Atacama Desert of northern Chile. Based on ALMA data, astronomers infer that the moon-forming exoplanetary disk has a radius similar to our Earth's orbit, and may one day form three or so Luna-sized moons -- not very different from our Jupiter's four.