NASA 天文图片日历


HH 211:形成恒星的喷流

(原标题: HH 211: Jets from a Forming Star)


浏览次数: 13

恒星在形成时总是会产生喷流吗?没人能确定。当气体云在引力作用下收缩时,它会形成一个圆盘,这个圆盘旋转得太快,无法继续收缩成原恒星。理论学家假设,这种自旋可以通过喷射来减少。这一推测与已知的赫比格-哈罗天体(HH)相吻合。赫比格-哈罗天体是一种年轻的恒星天体,被发现会发射喷流——有时以壮观的方式发射。这张照片是赫比格-哈罗211,一颗形成中的年轻恒星,最近由韦伯太空望远镜(JWST)用红外光拍摄,非常详细。随着两束狭窄的粒子,可以看到红色的激波,因为流出物撞击了现有的星际气体。随着对恒星形成细节的研究继续进行,HH 211的喷流可能会在未来10万年里随着它们的变亮和变暗而改变形状。


Do stars always create jets as they form? No one is sure. As a gas cloud gravitationally contracts, it forms a disk that can spin too fast to continue contracting into a protostar. Theorists hypothesize that this spin can be reduced by expelling jets. This speculation coincides with known Herbig-Haro (HH) objects, young stellar objects seen to emit jets -- sometimes in spectacular fashion. Pictured is Herbig-Haro 211, a young star in formation recently imaged by the Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in infrared light and in great detail. Along with the two narrow beams of particles, red shock waves can be seen as the outflows impact existing interstellar gas. The jets of HH 211 will likely change shape as they brighten and fade over the next 100,000 years, as research into the details of star formation continues.
