(原标题: Messier 51 in 255 Hours)
浏览次数: 20
M51是一对有趣的相互作用星系,是梅西耶著名星表中的第51个条目。也许最初的螺旋星云,这个几乎正面看到的漩涡状螺旋结构的大星系也被编目为NGC 5194。它的旋臂和尘埃带扫过它的伴星星系NGC 5195(右)。M51距离我们大约3100万光年,位于训练有素的天藤星座的边界内,在直接的望远镜视野中,它看起来模糊而模糊。但这张非常深的图像展示了这对星系引人注目的颜色和广泛的潮汐碎片的惊人细节。一组天文成像仪利用地球上的望远镜,结合10多天的曝光时间,创造了M51的这张确定的星系肖像。这幅图像包含了118小时的窄带数据,还揭示了在M51系统中发现的一个巨大的红色电离氢气发光云。周末守望:英仙座流星雨
An intriguing pair of interacting galaxies, M51 is the 51st entry in Charles Messier's famous catalog. Perhaps the original spiral nebula, the large galaxy with whirlpool-like spiral structure seen nearly face-on is also cataloged as NGC 5194. Its spiral arms and dust lanes sweep in front of a companion galaxy (right), NGC 5195. Some 31 million light-years distant, within the boundaries of the well-trained constellation Canes Venatici, M51 looks faint and fuzzy to the eye in direct telescopic views. But this remarkably deep image shows off stunning details of the galaxy pair's striking colors and extensive tidal debris. A collaboration of astro-imagers using telescopes on planet Earth combined over 10 days of exposure time to create this definitive galaxy portrait of M51. The image includes 118 hours of narrowband data that also reveals a vast glowing cloud of reddish ionized hydrogen gas discovered in the M51 system. Weekend Watch: Perseid Meteor Shower
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