NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: The Tarantula Nebula from SuperBIT)


浏览次数: 16

狼蛛星云,也被称为剑鱼座30号,直径超过一千光年,是一个巨大的恒星形成区域,位于附近的卫星星系大麦哲伦星云内。它距离我们大约16万光年,是整个本星系群中已知的最大、最猛烈的恒星形成区。这张壮观的图片是在SuperBIT(超压气球成像望远镜)飞行期间拍摄的,这是美国宇航局的气球载0.5米望远镜,现在漂浮在太空边缘附近。在被充分研究的狼蛛星系(NGC 2070)内,来自中心年轻的大质量恒星星团(编号为R136)的强烈辐射、恒星风和超新星冲击为星云发光提供了能量,并形成了蜘蛛状的细丝。在狼蛛星云周围是其他恒星形成区域,有年轻的星团、细丝和爆裂的气泡状云。SuperBIT的视野范围约为南部多拉多星座的1/3度。


The Tarantula Nebula, also known as 30 Doradus, is more than a thousand light-years in diameter, a giant star forming region within nearby satellite galaxy the Large Magellanic Cloud. About 160 thousand light-years away, it's the largest, most violent star forming region known in the whole Local Group of galaxies. The cosmic arachnid is near the center of this spectacular image taken during the flight of SuperBIT (Super Pressure Balloon Imaging Telescope), NASA's balloon-borne 0.5 meter telescope now floating near the edge of space. Within the well-studied Tarantula (NGC 2070), intense radiation, stellar winds and supernova shocks from the central young cluster of massive stars, cataloged as R136, energize the nebular glow and shape the spidery filaments. Around the Tarantula are other star forming regions with young star clusters, filaments, and blown-out bubble-shaped clouds. SuperBIT's field of view spans about 1/3 of a degree in the southern constellation Dorado.
