NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: Wolf-Rayet 124)


浏览次数: 22

在这张清晰的红外图像中,在强大的恒星风的驱动下,膨胀的气体和尘埃包裹着炽热明亮的恒星Wolf-Rayet 124。这一引人注目的六尖星图案是用詹姆斯韦伯太空望远镜的18面六边形镜子拍摄的恒星图像的特征。WR 124距离北方的人马座约15000光年,质量是太阳的30多倍。这颗恒星的湍流星云产生于银河系中大质量恒星演化的一个短暂且很少被发现的阶段,直径近6光年。它预示着WR 124即将在超新星爆炸中死亡。在不断膨胀的星云中形成的尘埃星际碎片,在超新星爆发后幸存下来,将影响未来几代恒星的形成。


Driven by powerful stellar winds, expanding shrouds of gas and dust frame hot, luminous star Wolf-Rayet 124 in this sharp infrared view. The eye-catching 6-spike star pattern is characteristic of stellar images made with the 18 hexagonal mirrors of the James Webb Space Telescope. About 15,000 light-years distant toward the pointed northern constellation Sagitta, WR 124 has over 30 times the mass of the Sun. Produced in a brief and rarely spotted phase of massive star evolution in the Milky Way, this star's turbulent nebula is nearly 6 light-years across. It heralds WR 124's impending stellar death in a supernova explosion. Formed in the expanding nebula, dusty interstellar debris that survives the supernova will influence the formation of future generations of stars.
