NASA 天文图片日历



(原标题: Unraveling NGC 3169)


浏览次数: 14

螺旋星系ngc3169看起来像一个宇宙纱线球一样散开。它位于7000万光年之外,位于明亮的轩辕十三星以南,朝向昏暗的六分星星座。当ngc3169(左)和邻近的ngc3166发生引力相互作用时,上紧的旋臂被拉出形成横扫的潮汐尾。最终,这些星系会合二为一,即使是在本地宇宙中明亮的星系,这也是常见的命运。绘制出的恒星弧线和羽流清楚地表明,在这张深而多彩的星系群照片中,正在进行的引力相互作用。这幅望远镜画框的跨度约为20角分,以该星系群的估计距离计算约为40万光年,其中包括位于右侧的较小的蓝色NGC 3165。NGC 3169也被认为在从射电到x射线的光谱中发光,它拥有一个活跃的星系核,这是一个超大质量黑洞的所在地。


Spiral galaxy NGC 3169 looks to be unraveling like a ball of cosmic yarn. It lies some 70 million light-years away, south of bright star Regulus toward the faint constellation Sextans. Wound up spiral arms are pulled out into sweeping tidal tails as NGC 3169 (left) and neighboring NGC 3166 interact gravitationally. Eventually the galaxies will merge into one, a common fate even for bright galaxies in the local universe. Drawn out stellar arcs and plumes are clear indications of the ongoing gravitational interactions across the deep and colorful galaxy group photo. The telescopic frame spans about 20 arc minutes or about 400,000 light-years at the group's estimated distance, and includes smaller, bluish NGC 3165 at the right. NGC 3169 is also known to shine across the spectrum from radio to X-rays, harboring an active galactic nucleus that is the site of a supermassive black hole.
